
God only knows:

Even though adulthood is exhausting and stressful, it's also beautiful, free, and boundless. While people have vanished -newer, stronger and more supportive relationships with inspiring and courageous women, have emerged. My friendships, especially with the women in my life, are so deserving of my attention.

My incredible friends; they were there when the jobs were hard, the relationships were definitely lacking, and a child was never even a figment of my imagination. While I can't promise that I won't continue to change, or that carefree days will ever be in our future again, I can promise my friends that I will remain a pivotal part of their lives, (for as long as they'll have me.) 

I love all of my friends complexities, beliefs, and preferences; even if I might not completely understand them. I want to celebrate all of their accomplishments like they're my own. When they land a killer job, welcome new babies, or say yes to an extremely lucky man, I want to scream it from the mountain tops and plan parties full of cake. Their successes don't ever impede my own, they make me feel like my chances of experiencing something similar are more real. 

I am so thankful for having a circle of women around me that are headstrong and honest. That had my interest at heart and told me to get out of a bad situation. That believe in my ability to be a Mum when it overwhelms me. Friends that care - really truly care. They ask how I am, ask how my family are. They help me when I have nowhere, and no one else to turn to. Those are the kind of friends everyone should be surrounded by. 

I've always been unsure if 'soulmates' even exist. Humans have the capability to fall in love so many times, on so many levels, with so many people, our hearts have unlimited space. But in this wonderful circle of women I call my friends they absolutely are all a somewhat soulmate. Standing by me in joyous times and also dark ones, I love them like sisters. They're like a family of my own. 

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