
Seven weeks:

Today you are seven weeks old. Seven whole weeks. That's 49 days.

Everyday is a new day with you, in 49 days you've taught me to see our next day together as a blank canvas. Free of mistakes, with nothing but opportunity. To get to tomorrow - we have to get through today, you've taught me to savour every moment that today brings. You've taught me to take everything in, my responsibilities are going nowhere, and those pots will still need washing later. I've learnt to stop and smell those roses and really appreciate them. 

You've taught me to be courageous, far more than I ever was or would've been without you - I don't have anything to lose and I have everything to teach to you, I've learnt to not hold back. You've taught me the only thing you really know right now, and that's to express yourself completely. Albeit through a cry (and more recently a gummy, dimpled cheek smile) it's honesty in it's purest form. It's your instinct from the beginning to cry, but to feel your emotions freely at any age is humbling. 

While I might worry about everything that I have to teach you, really; you're the one teaching me. You are special, pure, and innocent. You make me go from opposite ends of the emotion continuum within seconds; but you've taught me a selfless and unconditional love I'll never be able to explain. 

You've taught me patience and gratitude. My life is perfect even when I've got baby sick in my hair and purple eyes from a sleepless night. This is the single hardest job I've ever done, with the most rewarding payment. If this really is what being a Mother feels like, then I am so greatful I'm yours. 

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