
Seven weeks:

Today you are seven weeks old. Seven whole weeks. That's 49 days.


God only knows:

Even though adulthood is exhausting and stressful, it's also beautiful, free, and boundless. While people have vanished -newer, stronger and more supportive relationships with inspiring and courageous women, have emerged. My friendships, especially with the women in my life, are so deserving of my attention.


Being brave:

No matter how much I pretend that I have a toughened exterior that is unaffected by someone else's behaviour, I don't and I really hate to admit when I'm struggling with it. 


Home versus home:

Stability has always come at a cost to me and because of that, I've learned to never expect anything from anyone.


Two for joy:

She is not even one month old, yet she has taught me so much. I carved out this life, despite it's inherent difficulties, because I knew that even with whatever new struggles came about we would be happier and healthier on our own, and we are.


One week:

I was always someone who didn't see myself having children, the mere thought of being responsible for someone else, someone tiny and incredibly reliant, always absolutely terrified me - and then I had a child.


If you see someone without a smile, give them mine:

I talk a lot about my Dad, I can't help myself sometimes. He's a person I'm proud to know - never mind have come from.


1 in 4 UK households are headed by a lone parent:

I'm part of a statistic that has been teetering on the cusp of old school notions and new school ideals for the past decade or more, and on either side I'll be met with disdain and judgment. The old thinking will perpetuate that there is no greater shame than a woman with a child & no man to support her, and the new way of thinking insists that I should have been smart enough to know better, that I've single handedly ruined my life and squandered my potential.


Everyday may not be good, but there's something good in every day:

Some people just aren't worth it, let them go. I used to be so incredibly wrapped up in the approval of people who didn’t care about me. This year, though, I started to actively brush off the people who weren’t interested in showing me affection in return. 


Leaving a bad place:

I’ve recently been reconfiguring everything I thought about emotions and relationships. I know this is heavy for a first post, but I'm not one to skirt around and lace how I feel with less than deserved words.